Blue Badge

The Blue Badge scheme helps people with severe mobility problems, park close to their destination.

You will qualify for a Blue Badge without further assessment if you:

  • receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP)* with the following:
    • 8 points or more for the ‘Moving Around’ part of the mobility section
    • 10 points in the ‘Planning and Following a Journey’ part of the mobility section. The description must be: unable to undertake a journey due to considerable psychological distress.
  • receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance.
  • receive a war pensioner’s mobility supplement.
  • are registered blind (partially sighted is not an automatic qualification).

Please check your benefit to ensure you qualify before starting the application.

*You must provide a full copy of your PIP document including points breakdown. The front page letter is not enough.

There are criteria which include both physical and non-physical (sometimes called ‘hidden’) disabilities. Dementia, especially in the earlier stages, may fall more into the non-physical disabilities category.

These two websites have useful advice:

Alzheimer’s Society’s website for advice relating to Dementia.

Parkinson’s for advice relating to Dementia.

More information

Ready? Apply online for a Blue Badge

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